We have chose to look at a range of songs and to compare which we think would work best once fitted into our tv advert. We chose Rudimental - feel the love, because we like how it starts of slow and has a build up this would suit our model in our advert as he is getting ready and then starts to be active. It's an up beat song so would signify how energetic our model is being.

This is our most favourable one because we think it would really suit our deodorant advert. The beginning and slow start can be when we show all of our cut to's, then once our model begins to work out the faster beat and the drop can begin to show the energic-ness.

We have chosen to use this song 'All around the world' by Justin Bieber to play in the backing of our advert. We think this song runs smoothly against our storyline because it is  upbeat but also slow. We think that the lively side of the song will emphasis the enevergic side to our deodorant and how our model is building a sweat.